Alexis + Dakota...

"Dakota, the first time I saw you, I swiped right."


WHAT a way to start your wedding vows!

But then the ceremony took a beautiful, gentle turn, and that's the moment there wasn't a dry eye.

The moment the vows started, the tears wouldn't stop. Have you ever attended a wedding like this? After a couple dozen weddings, you'd think sentimental wedding vows wouldn't faze me, but these two proved me wrong.

And that's the beauty of wedding photography. It's an amazing opportunity to curate a love story like Alexis and Dakota have. Besides the jokes of online dating these two shared while testifying their love to one another, the beauty of the marriage they both desired flourished. You could just feel the emotions they felt, the love and respect they have for each other. It was hopeful, it was promising, and it was genuine.

It was a toasty July day, but a beautiful one. Here's just a glimpse of Mr. and Mrs. Tucker's big day!